Simplicity Sake is about getting it all done, letting some of it go, and focusing on what really matters.
What exactly are we interested in?
A lot: voluntary simplicity, technology, home organization, productivity, sustainability, family life, travel, wellness. We like to enjoy the good things in life. So let go of that stress (deep breath in... and out...), pull up a chair and join us.
Who are we?
Simplicity Sake was founded by twin sisters who live much too far away from each other and their mother. Linsey is a media and technology lawyer, mother of three young kids (including her own set of twins), and recovering "yes-girl" who lives in Silicon Valley, California, USA. You can also find Linsey at: Me Too You, Mad About Multiples, and Silicon Valley Moms Blog. Robin is a software designer, mother of two young kids and recovering perfectionist who lives in St. John's, Newfoundland. Linsey and Robin's mother, Karin, is retreat and workshop leader and long-time practicer of voluntary simplicity.