Our intention was to have a series of posts on Simplicity Sake about the book The Power of Less by Leo Babauta, author of the awesome blog Zen Habits. But...in reading the book, I guess we all started to actually follow Leo's advice. In cutting out non-essential tasks (one of Leo's main concepts in this book), we found that this Simplicity Sake blog was sort of...non-essential. We all had other things that were just more important, more essential.
Nonetheless, we HAVE been discussing this book quite a lot. Sometimes I will be driving up to the city to go to the San Francisco Zoo with the kids and my mom will accompany me. She'll bring the book, read a chapter on the way up and we'll discuss it throughout the day. For the last three weeks, I was in Cape Cod with Robin and we did a fair amount of journaling on what our goals for the year are and what we can eliminate as non-essential.
The Power of Less continues to be a book that I pick up over and over to read bits and pieces of, to remind myself of what is important, to center myself and recenter myself. It is an ongoing process.
As for the Simplicity Sake blog, I'm not sure where it is going. We may post here from time to time...if we find it essential. Or not. No promises.
Thanks for reading.