An admission: My husband and I have recently found ourselves with a bad habit. Every morning for the past week, when we all get up in the morning, the kids (having recently learned how to work the remote control) turn on the TV and my husband and I each crack our laptops. You know, just to quickly check email, catch up on the Google Reader feeds, update our Twitter and Facebook statuses (well, that's more me than him. He's not into social networking...yet...). By the time we know it, an hour has passed and we haven't gotten anything done around the house. We still have kids to feed, to dress, to brush teeth, not to mention getting ourselves ready. What's worse, that hour has felt like it was sucked from us. I have no recollection of the time passing. Quality time spent together? Um, no.
So yesterday, while at the Campbell Farmer's Market, I relayed my concern about our developing bad habits to my husband. He was not overly concerned, but then again, he is sort of like a junkie, we both are. And I'm realizing that we need to limit our info-junkie habits, not just for us, but for the kids. Our kids are getting old enough to really need more limits in terms of their screen time - they don't watch too much, but with the addition of the computer and the Leapster, it is becoming more and more available. It is up to us, their parents, to lead by example.
Our new rule - no screen time in the morning. No TV in the morning. No email/Google Reader in the morning. How WILL we survive?!
Now, I'm not saying we are getting rid of our TV, our computers, our screens. I lot of how I view simplfying my life is in terms of using tecnology. But technology has to be used in a way that isn't draining on your Real Life.